Rate: 3 / 5
8. Dzień chamsinu
Year: 2024-05-11
Genre: Documentary
Directed by: -
Duration: 1 hr 20 min.
Marek Hłasko, ”the Polish James Dean”, a writer and a reveler, comes to Israel in the late 1950s. This land and people become his inspiration, and at the same time a trap for him. He carefully observes immigrants who try to settle in a new place. He is also trying to catch a temporary income. The first protagonists of his novels appear, among them Dow ben Dow (Bear son of the Bear), the one for whom Hłasko uses the autobiographical form – ”I”. Dow/Hłasko falls in love with Ester, a prostitute, an unattainable woman who is also Sabra, a person born in Israel. Esther says what she thinks - she does not believe in him and his attachment to this country because there is no other form of love than paid love. When there is no alternative – a man becomes his own shadow, the society – a shadow of its legend.
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Marek Hłasko
Andrzej Chyra