Rate: 3.5 / 5
Chang Can Dunk
Year: 2023-03-09
Genre: Family, Comedy, Drama
Directed by: -
Duration: 1 hr 48 min.
Chang, a 16-year-old, Asian American, bets the high school basketball star that he can dunk by Homecoming. The bet leads 5' 8" Chang on a quest to learn to dunk—not only to impress his crush, Kristy, but to gain the respect of his high school peers too. But before he can rise up and truly throw one down, he'll have to reexamine everything he knows about himself, his friendships and his family.
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Bloom Li
Ben Wang
Zoe Renee
Mardy Ma
Dexter Darden
Jon Shaver
Dominic Pace
Nile Bullock
Eric Anthony Lopez
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Jim E Chandler
Elizabeth Inghram
Aaron Vargas
Gerald W. Jones III
John Palumbo
Lauren Rys Martin
David Sitler
Cathy Salvodon
Alexandre Chen
Jay Williams
Kendrick Perkins
Alanna Smith
Richard Jefferson
Frankie Zabilka
Angel Oquendo
Ka-Ling Cheung
Heather Lee
Will Fitz