Rate: 3.05 / 5
Handling the Undead
Year: 2024-02-09
Genre: Horror, Drama, Mystery
Directed by: Thea Hvistendahl
Duration: 1 hr 38 min.
On an abnormally hot summer day in Oslo, a strange electric field surrounds the city as a collective migraine spreads across town and the newly deceased awake from death.
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Renate Reinsve
Anders Danielsen Lie
Bahar Pars
Bjørn Sundquist
Denise Trankalis
Bente Børsum
Jan Hrynkiewicz
Όλγα Δαμάνη
Inesa Dauksta
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Dennis Østby Ruud
Anders Dybwad
Emma Damskau
John Ajvide Lindqvist
Monica Csango