Rate: 3.6 / 5
Year: 2023-07-27
Genre: Drama, Romance
Directed by: -
Duration: 1 hr 30 min.
Teenage Elsa has leukemia, and she needs a bone marrow transplant immediately. The only compatible donor? Someone she’s never met and whose name she doesn’t even know: her father. But thanks to Edo, a boy her age she met in the hospital, outgoing and irreverent, she decides to go on and find that man. Apparently, Elsa and Edo have nothing in common except for the illness they both share, but the journey they embark on together will change their lives forever.
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Carolina Sala
Rocco Fasano
Caterina Guzzanti
Fabio Troiano
Adalgisa Manfrida
Antonella Salvucci