Rate: 2.5 / 5
Year: 2001-02-01
Genre: Action
Directed by: Władysław Pasikowski
Duration: 1 hr 30 min.
Alex and Andre are two hit men who face death and violence every day but also understand the gentleness of love. They would like to start a new life, but their involvement in the criminal underground is too deep. Alex and Andre move about in a world of expensive hotels, cars and discothèques frequented by drug dealers and thieves who would double-cross you as soon as look at you.
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Bogusław Linda
Mirosław Baka
Aleksandra Nieśpielak
Julia Rzepecka
Krzysztof Pieczyński
Marek Cichucki
Janusz Chabior
Artur Dziurman
Aleksander Wysocki
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Robert Wabich
Michał Gadomski
Mirosław Oczkoś
Jacek Kuzdak
Łukasz Garlicki
Piotr Miazga
Kamila Wojciechowicz
Monika Gogolińska
Dariusz Siatkowski
Stefan Popkowski
Denis Delić
Andrzej Glacel
Michał Ubysz
Christoph Rurka
Jarosław Wnuk
Grzegorz Wolf
Jan Sieradziński
Leszek Puzewicz
Marcin Kaster
Piotr Łazik
Przemysław Sadowski
Katarzyna Godlewska
Andrzej Herder
Dariusz Kowalski
Mariusz Witkowski