Rate: 3.48 / 5
The Adventure of A.R.I.: My Robot Friend
Year: 2022-01-13
Genre: Family, Science Fiction
Directed by: Stephen Shimek
Duration: 1 hr 29 min.
A teenager summons the courage to help a friendly robot known as A.R.I. kidnapped by a ruthless lab director working for a powerful corporation seeking to turn him into a dangerous weapon in order to rule the world.
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Greg Lutz
J.R. Brown
Cait Brasel
Kyle Jacob Henry
Bill Jenkins
Caleb Hennigan
Jeremy Miller
Christy Tate
Allyson Cristofaro
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Sean Amir Danley
Forrest Lynn
Craig Cole
Rayne Thomas
Brent Whitacre
Mark Adam Goff
Kody Burns