Rate: 3.415 / 5
Year: 2024-09-20
Genre: Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller
Directed by: Jordan Downey
Duration: 1 hr 54 min.
The infinite playground of forbidden worlds and dangerous lifeforms offered by the sci-fi horror genre will lead to the biggest, maddest, bloodiest V/H/S ever.
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Trevor Dow
Sam Gorski
Niko Pueringer
Thom Hallum
James C. Burns
Jolene Andersen
Phillip Andre Botello
Michael J. Sielaff
Dane DiLiegro
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Ashwin Mushran
Rhett Wellington Ramirez
Bix Krieger
Skip Howland
Dominique Star
Jared Treviño
Matt Tramel
Mike Ferguson
Libby Letlow
Matthew Layton
Christian Long
Josh Goldbloom