Rate: 3 / 5
Season: 5 Episode: 1
Year: 1986-09-05
Genre: Drama
Directed by: -
Duration: -
Drama series about the staff and patients at Holby City Hospital's emergency department, charting the ups and downs in their personal and professional lives.
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Derek Thompson
Gabriella Leon
Amanda Mealing
Charles Venn
George Rainsford
William Beck
Jason Durr
Maddy Hill
Neet Mohan
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Jack Nolan
Shaheen Jafargholi
Elinor Lawless
Kirsty Mitchell
Sarah Seggari
Melanie Hill
Manpreet Bachu
Sammy T. Dobson
Kellie Shirley
Ryan Hawley
Michael Keogh
Michael Stevenson
Tom Mulheron