Rate: 3 / 5
Season: 15 Episode: 36
Year: 2001-01-08
Genre: Drama
Directed by: -
Duration: -
The series tells the stories of some of the characters who work or are related to an imaginary shopping center Centovetrine, located in the center of Turin. There are many stories of love and passion, but also struggles for power and dynastic quarrels in the telefilm.
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Roberto Alpi
Marianna De Micheli
Alessandro Mario
Jgor Barbazza
Linda Collini
Cristina Moglia
Daniela Fazzolari
Tommaso Maria Neri
Anna Favella
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Galatea Ranzi
Denitza Diakovska
Gaia De Laurentiis
Gabriele Greco
Jonis Bashir
Enrica Pintore
Enrico Lo Verso