Rate: 4 / 5
Duas Caras
Season: 1 Episode: 166
Year: 2007-10-01
Genre: Drama
Directed by: -
Duration: -
In the past, as Adalberto Rangel, he met and seduced Maria Paula. With a calculated coldheart, he married her, stole her fortune, then abandoned her, unaware she was pregnant at the time. Ten years later, accompanied by her son Renato, Maria Paula plots to recover her dignity and to find justice by getting revenge against the indignities done to her.
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Marjorie Estiano
Dalton Vigh
Alinne Moraes
Antônio Fagundes
Débora Falabella
Lázaro Ramos
Stênio Garcia
Marília Pêra
Susana Vieira
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Bárbara Borges
José Wilker
Flávia Alessandra
Ângelo Antônio
Caco Ciocler
Sheron Menezes
Marília Gabriela