Rate: 3.355 / 5
Caribbean Flower
Season: 1 Episode: 88
Year: 2013-03-11
Genre: Drama, Family
Directed by: Leonardo Nogueira
Duration: -
Cassiano, an air force pilot, and Ester, a tourist guide, fall madly in love at a young age. Their love grows throughout the years until they fall victim to a treacherous plot carried out by Alberto. This unscrupulous friend, who secretly loves the young woman, creates a plan to get rid of his rival. After being assigned by Alberto to deliver diamonds in the Caribbean, Cassiano suddenly disappears and is presumed dead. While Cassiano falls prey to dangerous Dom Rafael, Alberto takes the opportunity to comfort Ester and, fulfilling his evil plan, they marry.Cassiano, who remained in captivity for years, manages to escape with the help of a fellow prisoner named Duque and, pretending to be a tourist, reaches Brazil. Now he wants to square accounts with his former friend and reclaim Ester’s love.
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Henri Castelli
Grazi Massafera
Sérgio Mamberti
Raphael Viana
Max Fercondini
Tainá Müller
Dudu Azevedo
Thaíssa Carvalho
Bruno Gissoni
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Ângela Vieira
Juca de Oliveira
Sthefany Brito
Thiago Martins
José Loreto
Débora Nascimento
Bete Mendes
Cacá Amaral
Rita Guedes
Ailton Graça
Laura Cardoso
Suzana Pires
José Henrique Ligabue
Maria Joana
Inez Viana
Marcos Winter
Patrícia Naves
Rafael Almeida
Viviane Victorette
Claudia Netto
Cyria Coentro
Luiz Carlos Vasconcelos
Fernanda Pontes
Livian Aragão
Igor Cotrim
Mariza Marchetti
César Troncoso
Mariana Anghileri
Jean Pierre Noher
Gésio Amadeu
Elias Gleizer
Marta Nieto
Gisele Alves
Renata Roberta
Vitor Figueiredo
Serena Lovatel
Vitória Lovatel
Sabrina Petraglia

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