Rate: 3.82 / 5
The King of The Cattle
Season: 1 Episode: 208
Year: 1996-06-17
Genre: Drama, Family
Directed by: Emílio Di Biasi
Duration: -
In the struggle for land a vicious feud erupts between two men, who commit their families to a war without truce. Over two generations they are moved by love and by hatred in this epic saga of love for the land.
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Antônio Fagundes
Patricia Pillar
Raul Cortez
Sílvia Pfeifer
Glória Pires
Fábio Assunção
Lavínia Vlasak
Stênio Garcia
Mariana Lima
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Jackson Antunes
Bete Mendes
Guilherme Fontes
Neuza Borges
Arieta Corrêa
Iara Jamra
Carlos Vereza
Leila Lopes
Walderez de Barros
Almir Sater
Maria Helena Pader
Ana Rosa
Ana Beatriz Nogueira
Chica Xavier
Letícia Spiller
Cosme dos Santos
Leonardo Brício
Paulo Coronato
Eva Wilma
Marcello Antony
Ilva Niño
Vera Fischer
Jairo Mattos
Caco Ciocler
Antônio Pompêo
Mara Carvalho
José Augusto Branco
Liana Duval
Cyria Coentro
Tarcísio Meira
Emílio Orciollo Netto
Cláudio Corrêa e Castro
Antônio Fagundes

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