Rate: 3.75 / 5
Season: 8 Episode: 1
Year: 2013-03-10
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery
Directed by: -
Duration: -
Created from the novels by award winning crime writer Ann Cleeves, Shetland follows DI Jimmy Perez and his team as they investigate crime within the close knit island community. In this isolated and sometimes inhospitable environment, the team have to rely on a uniquely resourceful style of policing.
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Ashley Jensen
Alison O'Donnell
Steven Robertson
Lewis Howden
Stuart Campbell
Robert Jack
Vincent Regan
Ian Hart
Sarah MacGillivray
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Jimmy Yuill
Andrew John Tait
Conor McCarry
Tibu Fortes
Gemma McElhinney
Nalini Chetty
Angus Miller